The NFL from Hell, and You Got Mail.
A coke and a smile, to go the extra mile.
To classify the file, and to hire the fool.
This the Walking Dead, this is my Cool.
Cool to the touch, the Starsky and Hutch.
Is he a FED? Let us address such n s
satan (48)
“And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,”
(Revelation 20:2).
The vape and the blunt, to be blunt, and to address.
What is more can't be less, let's put ur faith to the te
The cash grab, to inherit wealth.
To control Orion's Belt, the pain she felt.
And the mountains that melt, to feel the warm breeze.
To inherit her root chakra, her kundalini chi.
To cross all T's, the sacrifice, but this ain't Christ.
The sedu
The X-Men that's tall, when raw meets strength.
To support ur woe, but this is the tank.
And we crank to the bank, but we inherit the cash.
This the Roc-Nation, to liquidate Jay's gas.
To outlast what's cheap, and here is a small tip.
To Crip
To tell my first lie back in Irvin's 88.
My first ethereal offering, was this my first mistake?
I'll guess I'll see when I eventually reincarnate.
And to think carnal after the apple, and the caramel.
To rebel is to fail? It's to prove a point
Wishes that hurt, so NOW "What's is ur wish?"
To sip, to Crip, I mean kryptonite, no Nick at Nite.
"To be of the Light?" No, not Like Christ, to chop up the block, to Dundee the Croc, and to HIP-HOP.
"Now knock of ur socks.." At what cost? To be da Bos
Bad to da bone, and cool to the touch.
And we don't use the human condition as a crutch.
Time to switch, and to align.
In due time, the water turns into wine.
To avoid the word whine, and here's the next bar.
From afar, this is the stop sign to ur car.
The Shy Guy that goes Buh Bye, to lie and ask what's the count?
Then you turn around, like ur frown, may you be at peace.
In other words, talk is cheap when addressing a wolf in lamb's clothing.
Thas when you show ur hand, you regret not foldin
The scriptural rites, it is my right.
The Image was made, but not in the image of Christ.
The image is Hor, but not the Babylonian Whore.
With Ptah's foundation, this is the core.
And to deciper the bullshit, and the same psychotic lie.
Is it
Went from local to state, now we nation wide.
The World is mine, and sponsored by Show Time.
This the House of Lies, to live in a haunted crib.
And it was Eve, not Lilith's rib.
Now it's the que, and we patiently waiting.
And with ur Tyre Drops, it's fina
Bedazzled while ur frazzled, to smell ur fear.
To watch my six while you are burnt to a crisp.
And here's a clue, ur bein played like a fool.
I'm tryin to figure out what to do with you, ur Angelics are tools.
To abduct the Adam, to create ur (g)od.
For you to be at peace with the Levitcal Priest.
And to be confused on Easter, the Reese's Piece.
Ur idols in pieces, to plan for the Beltane.
Thas the equation to fortune and fame.
To put you to shame, and in today's day, do the lame walk?
When they cr
The lullaby with the Lunar Moon.
To regenerate and mediate, the Wulf that howls.
Do you want red pottage, the cow, or foul?
You plead the fifth, but take the next foul.
Ur confused on the 6th God, with ice in my veins.
As I Sai the bombastic Bon Bay
Is the Looney Tune always a safe bet?
To put in check, and ur queen at rest.
To inherit as a Levitcal Priest, to get a new crest.
To teach the Apprentice, here's her first test.
What is less when you sell ur Sol?
When you drink and drive, are you out of
To complicate the canine and to whistle to the tune.
Confused on the Tune, the last name Chi.
The Altarian Empire and Alnitak are one and the same.
Is life this easy? And it's not a fuckin' game.
Having to nickname, but to shine at Nick at Night.
Does th
YouTube ain't you too.
When you look in the mirror, you know it's you.
Is it the ocean or is the sky blue?
Was that rhetorical, did I even have to ask?
We're on our last leg, you just started with no gas.
To mass produce glass,
To Marvel the modern Stan Lee.
Aka the Moon God Sin from the constellation Te.
To inherit the one and only Bottomless Pit Key.
And to those Left Behind, here is my decree.
To be honest when you look in the mirror.
The Great and Terrible day of the LORD, i
The crack epidemic is hot.
A rose thorn tatted on the back.
The Silver Court, the block.
With rock and roll in my blood.
To incarnate Bruce Lee.
Like Lemuria before the Flood.
This is the Atlantean Decree.
The internal clock, the time.
To deteriorate matter as a matter of fact.
The only politician who spits straight facts.
The knapsack of gold that accumulates into cash.
This is Fast and the Furious, to fill up the tank.
Now slow ur role model, the goal is to enlighten.
A Satanist at D
To guard the sacred watch, to inherit the Earth.
To know ur worth, the birth of a King.
To sing the chorus, and to use the Dark Side of the Force.
And you forgot to pay attention to the mathematic like coarse.
In other words it proves, and to