satan (48)

the Airbender: Emperor

The cash grab, to inherit wealth.

To control Orion's Belt, the pain she felt.

And the mountains that melt, to feel the warm breeze.

To inherit her root chakra, her kundalini chi.

To cross all T's, the sacrifice, but this ain't Christ.

The sedu

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To tell my first lie back in Irvin's 88.

My first ethereal offering, was this my first mistake?

I'll guess I'll see when I eventually reincarnate.

And to think carnal after the apple, and the caramel.

To rebel is to fail? It's to prove a point

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Losin It

Wishes that hurt, so NOW "What's is ur wish?"

To sip, to Crip, I mean kryptonite, no Nick at Nite.

"To be of the Light?" No, not Like Christ, to chop up the block, to Dundee the Croc, and to HIP-HOP.

"Now knock of ur socks.." At what cost? To be da Bos

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The Moon

To complicate the canine and to whistle to the tune.

Confused on the Tune, the last name Chi.

The Altarian Empire and Alnitak are one and the same.

Is life this easy? And it's not a fuckin' game.

Having to nickname, but to shine at Nick at Night.

Does th

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The Warlock with a dark hue.

YouTube ain't you too.

When you look in the mirror, you know it's you.

Is it the ocean or is the sky blue?

Was that rhetorical, did I even have to ask?

We're on our last leg, you just started with no gas.

To mass produce glass,

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The Sith Lord

12336980494?profile=RESIZE_400xTo deteriorate matter as a matter of fact.

The only politician who spits straight facts.

The knapsack of gold that accumulates into cash.

This is Fast and the Furious, to fill up the tank.

Now slow ur role model, the goal is to enlighten.

A Satanist at D

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