MISC (56)

Völva the Viking Witch or Seeress

A Völva or as it is pronounced in old Norse a Vǫlva (in Danish a ”Vølve”), is what we in English would call a Seeress. You could compare it to someone who practiced shamanism or witchcraft. So a Völva is a Nordic version of a shaman or witch, that pr

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Archaeological find in Greenland shrouded in mystery

"An odd stone hut was discovered near the Sermeq Kangilleq Glacier in southern Greenland"

The remains of a stone hut discovered near the Sermeq Kangilleq Glacier in southern Greenland have stumped Danish archaeologists.

Christian Koch Madsen, an archae

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“The winter solstice time is no longer celebrated as it once was, with the understanding that this is a period of descent and rest, of going within our homes, within ourselves and taking in all that we have been through, all that has passed in this f

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Eternal Youth?

Someone saw a pic of my fiancee and Me and asked her if we were Vampires or immortals or what, according to what she told me  he said we both look too good to be in our 50s.


I believe its the energies we work with and were born to work with that keep

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Soul/Brain question

Watching a horror movie called THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN'T DIE.

this Doctor and his fiancee' were in a car crash, ge amputated her head and kept it alive to transplant to a new body.


it occurred to me to wonder suppose instead of attatching the head of th

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I am back! ❤️

After being offline from most websites for almost 4 years, I am finally back.😎

I fell down the rabbit hole and have taken a long time to heal and get back to the path I feel I belong on. It has been a journey, but I am finally on the right path in my

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Friday the 13 th

Friday the 13th has become a significant date in modern witchcraft and pagan communities, although its origins are complex and multifaceted. Here are some possible reasons why Friday the 13th is special to some witches:

1. *Ancient pagan associations*

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Hedge Witch Poem

Hedge Witch

She sits at night, spinning spells of love and luck,
Splashes inscense over hair and hides it under a rock,
Chanting affirmations through a darkened midnight mirror,
Making talismans with earthly blessings for the wearer,
Waxing moon, wan

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Devils tower

Devils Tower
According to the Native American tribes of the Kiowa and Lakota, a group of girls went out to play and were spotted by several giant bears, who began to chase them. In an effort to escape the bears, the girls climbed atop a rock, fell to

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