The NFL from Hell, and You Got Mail.
A coke and a smile, to go the extra mile.
To classify the file, and to hire the fool.
This the Walking Dead, this is my Cool.
Cool to the touch, the Starsky and Hutch.
Is he a FED? Let us address such n s
sirius (14)
Ur heart beats slow, and the pound that echos remorse.
To use the "force," with the Pale Horse, this the back burner.
This reminds me of the chicken dinner with Ted Lerner.
This the National's Anthem, and we shoot to the Moon.
And Ye' coffin has no room
"24 And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth."
Rev. (18:24)
To back the back, and we back from the past.
The Days of Future Past, to Lyre? Not so fast.
With ashes to ashes, and dust t
To collect sols when they choose to lie.
Do or Die? Let us address.
And ur the one with the bullet proof vest.
To invest what's less, to beat you to the punch line.
To use an Archangel's heart to sniff lines.
And he's confused
With the Abraham Religion with Sarah.
The wearer of the Draconian apparel.
To e(Clipse) the beat with Pharrell.
The Levitcal Pact that started with Alni(TAK).
To sell one's only belongings.
To inherit a solid foundation.
To incar
To complicate the canine and to whistle to the tune.
Confused on the Tune, the last name Chi.
The Altarian Empire and Alnitak are one and the same.
Is life this easy? And it's not a fuckin' game.
Having to nickname, but to shine at Nick at Night.
Does th
The tragic “mask” that enhances the immortal mind.
The New Moon to ruin, but this ain’t the Boston Bruin.
Having to adjust, and I already proved my point.
Your last class act was to pretend to anoint.
So your salvation is wasted, I smell your fe
The Full Moon that’s bright, the precipitous, the Fall.
With December having my back, the Silver Pack, the Call.
For you, the MTV Unplugged, to be trapped in the box.
And you think the Fox has your back?
And ur addicted to crack, with the plas
Sunfire, to hire, to sacrifice to Him.
Do I have free will when I inherit the Djinn?
A Few Good Men, to market Sin, my 8th House that stings.
The water that slips through His fingers, but with material, it’s green.
And to think
The Lee District plan, to scheme against the scam.
Descendent of Ham, the G.O.A.T verses the Lamb.
To dilute your blood, after eating the Green Eggs and Ham.
And you know this was done by Sam-I-Am.
To switch the channel, to remote view the thug
Your eyes wide shut, you're deluded, and your ghul's flesh that is putrid.
You got a high diet of melanin, your regime, but you got caught, now come clean.
The street sweeper in me, the retired fixer, and now I'm strapped.
Because I'm livin my second li
The bastards that fear, and run the 2-3 zone.
Ye can't wait to get off to work to watch Bad 2 Da Bone.
And thas when I'm Breaking Bad, to get a new phone.
Between me and you, who decides to get the new home?
To read your contract, to bring you bad new
Please understand with the fan, the mary-go-round, your Plan B.
The Windy City with the Chi, to rise, to not stack on lies.
Ur tryin to rerun with the "Knocked Up," but yes, I dun give a fuck.
In other words, I'm not free, my Sol with the Most High.
The Dr. Robotnik, who lost his pilot's licsence, because he was packin' heat.
First class or Coach, the Coach Carter of the 2020's.
This the four leaf clover, the domestic terrorist who does it for fame.
His punishment, his legs are lame, to rotweile