(Revelation 17:6)
"6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the kedoshim and with the blood of the witnesses of Yeshua. When I saw her, I was totally astounded."
The Papa Doc, to pop, lock, and drop.
To drop a cop? When havin' to stoop.
To ge
baal (6)
The X-Men that's tall, when raw meets strength.
To support ur woe, but this is the tank.
And we crank to the bank, but we inherit the cash.
This the Roc-Nation, to liquidate Jay's gas.
To outlast what's cheap, and here is a small tip.
To Crip
The scriptural rites, it is my right.
The Image was made, but not in the image of Christ.
The image is Hor, but not the Babylonian Whore.
With Ptah's foundation, this is the core.
And to deciper the bullshit, and the same psychotic lie.
Is it
The Tina Fey charades with the Chesapeake Bay.
I am of the Light, and light on my feet.
And this ain't Holy Ground, the Bottomless Pit that's bound.
And no Sols here, but this Soul 4 Real.
To kill for thrills, the Kill Bill, to fight.
And we as high as
"...to the Vulture of the Moon and to the Scapegoat of El-Shaddai."
"this is HAM!"
The Long John Silver with the hush puppy galore.
Havin to four score, and havin only seven days.
As hot as Hell, to dip beneath the Chesapeake Bay.
To stand proud and sin
For you to be at peace with the Levitcal Priest.
And to be confused on Easter, the Reese's Piece.
Ur idols in pieces, to plan for the Beltane.
Thas the equation to fortune and fame.
To put you to shame, and in today's day, do the lame walk?
When they cr