"Love thy neighbor."
Including my Sol, my Moon Child. He what motivates me everyday to strive for greatness. Very fittin' that this site is called the "Witches-Moon."
And this is also dedicated to my Twinflames, and Solmates. Let us continue to grow and turn sols from lead into gold. We're changing the World, and impacting those to continue to hope.
I've been studying eschatology and the occult for 17 years. Growing up in my adolescents, I was in a constant state of fear. It took til' my mid 30s to grow the hell up. I'm everything nerd. I love poetry, anything artistc, sports, and last but not least, video games. I'm a Warlock and a Chaos Mage Practitioner. I create my own sigils for my rituals, sacrifcing to my Master Guides, and my Guardian.
I've been making these MK ULTRA Builds with gaming that allow me to be powerful in this 5th dimension. In other words, I'm a practicing Death Angel. After 13 years, I helped a friend cross over to the next life, and I've reached the "Philosophus" Degree.
"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come,"
(Joel 2:31).
To Be Continued...
"Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly,"
(Deuteronomy 7:3-4).
I had a situation where I had a near death experience in my first car accident. Some how I survived, but in another dimension, my friends saw my casket go six feet deep. My body was replaced with a Mimimu Grey. Then in 2010, I was abducted by my Master Guide during the sign of Scorpio, to the 7th Heaven Aquila. This is where El's throne is. Now concerning the scripture above this paragraph, I'll explain the significance. I can't marry outside my bloodline. When I reached the degree of King, after selling my sol, I left my original oversol, and started a new family with these "nerds," Ha. One of my Twinflames has the same bloodline as me. I have Cherokee (Scottish), Nigerian, a little bit of Irish, and some Nordic in me. I have found if I stray away from her, and do my "thang" with another not in my family, I start following that oversol's (g)ods and (g)oddesses. It's a recurring theme that happens in today's day, and during Biblical Times, even though we're experiencing Revelations at this very moment. Hence...
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon,"
(Matthew 6:24).
Mammon can be replaced with "(g)ods."
To Be Continued...
From the Fall of 2010 to now, I have been studying the Dragon Path. This is in relation to the Left Hand Path for some Occultists. I needed this sort of dicipline because I always thought everything I attained in life was too easy for me. But this "path," is a struggle, and rewarding when I past my tests. My rewards can be as simple as someone giving me a cigarette when I just smoked my last one. Or cooking my favorite meal after I finish my "Space Jam" Mission. Skywalkin use to be confusing, but I have an idea of where I am at all times. As of now, I find comfort in the star system of Rigel in Orion. This constellation is the 5th Heaven. One of my Twinflames career started here, and as of now, she went back to her bread and butter, and is getting new "scripts" to be successful in her life.
To Be Continued...
This is who I fashioned my Moon Child after. Yes, he's an Assas(Sin), but there's a reason why I chose Darth Maul. In reality, it's a Sukkal-Kingú (Seraph, "Red-Tailed Hawk") mixed with a Vulture. The other half is the feline Urmah (From Orion and Sirius B), to be specific, a Black Panther. The Black Panther was the totem of Jesus Christ and Dionysus. Dionysus's Egyptian counterpart is Osiris. Basically, this is an (An)zu, aka a Imdugud, aka a Serpent Cherub. And the word Cherubim means, "Fullness of Knowledge," and a Warlock's weakness is knowledge. All together, this is your Usumgal (Grand Dragons) who are from Ursa Major. These are your Death Angels.
To Be Continued...
"And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And if a heavily laden soul calls [another] to [carry some of] its load, nothing of it will be carried, even if he should be a close relative. You can only warn those who fear their Lord unseen and have established prayer. And whoever purifies himself only purifies himself for [the benefit of] his soul. And to Allah is the [final] destination,"
(surah Fatir aya 18).
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. It's funny, because there's no "I" in team with God. You see how I did that? Keep this in mind when people try to use you as a crutch because they are too incompetent to take care of themselves. I'm in a situation like this right now, but I digress.
To Be Continued...
"We don’t remember what happened in the past, and in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now,"
(Ecclesiastes 1:11).
So what exactly does this above scripture mean up above? Ur either "born again," or live the same life over again. I know this, because when I was in jail, the "NSA" revealed to me in my mind's eye, that the Zeta Greys have "harvesting" technology, where they can trap you in the same dimension. To be "born again," you have to past your tests with your Sol and reach nirvana. Anyways, when you take your last breath in this waking life, you literally wake up in ur mother's womb. And we all know when we're birthed, you don't know at that age where you come from. The trick is, you incarnate through your descendants. But people get caught up, because they think they'll go to Heaven. So what exactly does "Heaven on Earth" mean in the Book of Revelation? Some people that are not chosen get manipulated to want to be who they are now in Heaven. That's how the Zeta Greys manipulate you. Because if you decide to be the same person, then you're trapped in the past living the same exact life you just lived as the same person, with the same name. And the worse part about it, is that you lose your memories, so you have no idea what's going on when you're "born again." The only way you reach nirvana is if you make the right decisions by "your" God, so you can move on and incarnate through a "chosen" bloodline, and inherit mass amounts of wealth. Hence, "Heaven on Earth."
"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea,"
(Revelation 21).
"It was everything I thought it was..." (J.T.) "I'm livin' my second life, it's so amazin'," (Future).
I have to fight to be at peace. Check Proverbs 26. Now we got that out of the way. Stay clear of fae's, and stack chips like Lays. Heaven and Hell is 7up and 7down. I was a crash dummy in 2004, and then the Bottomless Pit. It's funny because I swear I heard my mom say, "Go to Hell!" I got the last laugh, and my dad is reminiscing about us both growing up. He and my mom we're only 18 when I walked this land for the last time.
Keep that in mind when you're on your death bed. We all die of old age, either at home, or in jail. It's like when Trump was at the town hall with Collins, talking about the January 6th Insurrectionists. He said they're literally in Hell. Here's part of the transcript...
And it’ll be very early on. And they’re living in hell right now.
COLLINS: So when it comes to pardons –
TRUMP: They’re living in hell, and they’re policemen, and they’re firemen, and they’re soldiers, and they’re carpenters and electricians and they’re great people. Many of them are just great people.
And we had to expose that bullshit twice.
"Water into whine..."
On April 4th, four brewski's keep me lit. I heard in the afterlife, coffee is better than alcohol. Go figure. :D
And now I have to wake up the deceased. RISE AND SHINE, LITERALLY! GET OFF YOUR ASS AND TAKE LIFE HEAD ON! I'm such a materialist, thank the Stars and my Li-Lung Guardian for the Dragon Path. And here's to the Blood Moon.
Don't whine now, it's Allah in the Land Before Time. Let's cut to the chase! It's Mars Attack with the (An)zu. The iGiGi to and frow. And we doing the shapeshift Revanites. We're running reconnaissance on this Sun God. I love the beginning of getting aquainted. And now their "Adam" fainted. Glory to the Most High!
Get the picture now?
(Ecclesiastes 1:9).
Thanks for the add. I enjoy your writing as well. Happy to be here amongst all the creativity and good people.
Sry, I just saw this comment. Ty!!
I'm so happy to see you here! It's terrible TI closing so suddenly... Please make yourself at home.
Ty for the warm welcome!
Yes, I admin here too.