Occult or Paranormal (61)

Unseen Reality

Did you know that most of reality is invisible and inaudible to us? Our senses give us only a tiny glimpse of the world – just enough to survive, but nowhere near the full picture.

🔹 Our eyes detect light between 380-770 nanometers, meaning we can’t s

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When attending funerals

Here's the updated comprehensive guide:

# Protecting Yourself from Unwanted Energies and Spirits

# Precautions Before Leaving the Funeral Home
1. *Smudging*: Burn sage, sweetgrass, or palo santo to purify your aura and surroundings.
2. *Salt*: Sprinkle

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How becoming witch changes us

Intuition plays a vital role in witchcraft, serving as a powerful tool for transformation, growth, and self-discovery. Here are some ways intuition can transform you in the context of witchcraft:

_Deepens spiritual connection_

1. _Tuning into inner wis

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Dark paganism defined

Dark paganism is a modern spiritual movement that draws inspiration from various pagan traditions, folklore, and mythology, with a focus on the darker aspects of life, nature, and the human experience. It is a path that acknowledges and honors the my

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There is no separation between mental and physical just different states of vibration and frequency everything that exists does so through waveform, thoughtform.

Even electrons are not solid, under magnification you can see they ripple over

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Welcome to my YouTube podcast, Bump in the Night.  The following links are links to videos that can be found on the Bump in the Night Playlist, listed by title/topic.  It seemed better to leave a link to each video rather than uploading videos on th

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Frau perchta

Frau Perchta, the Terrifying Christmas Witch. Frau Perchta isn’t as well known as Krampus these days, which is a shame, because this Christmas-time goddess/witch/all-around-terrifying-gal deserves a lot more press. She’s a staple in the Alpine region

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