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Upstate, Skyscrape, my Estate, this is fate.

To administer to the (Sin)ister, the Solitary Punisher, now finish em!

And she fell for It, she in love, a wicked love bug.

The race to 2nd Base, to see me is to see His Face.

The Most High, bottoms up, the

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Life after Death



The Sun God that turns into ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

The sacred Prostitution got me hooked.

To school her ass while playin hookie.

And her lips taste like cookie crisp.

One to risk on the 2nd Degree.

With 2nd Degree Burns, and my scars tell a ta

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The False Teacher

The Bud Light fanatic.


The static, the heist.


To believe in ur Jesus Christ...


Is to allow malice in ur heart.



With the putting green n the Heavens.


With 7-11 Outlet Plugs.


To hate like a boar...


Or to be soft as a dove.



Is this true love?


Your pre

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Lord P & B

The Tina Fey charades with the Chesapeake Bay.

I am of the Light, and light on my feet.

And this ain't Holy Ground, the Bottomless Pit that's bound.

And no Sols here, but this Soul 4 Real.


To kill for thrills, the Kill Bill, to fight.

And we as high as

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Need advice badly

I need to Ask the group something. A family member moved into my home. It was my daughter. She began to take over. She was trying to order me around and bully me. I told my home is a temple of Lilith. I told her that. She yelled at me and said this w

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Astro Boy

Innuendo crescendo with the boy toy flow.

Work from the bottom up, this is jus ur luck.

Who gives a fuck if you gave ur left nut, when my sol is at peace.

Havin to lease ur Spirit, the Sol Reaver plays for keeps.

The Land Before Time with the East Time

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What would you do?

I just had a family member pass away. He wrote us all different letters before he died. He asked me to leave witchcraft and paganism. It was preachy. I have no intention of leaving my faith. I am not sure how to react.

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Views: 22
Comments: 4