The Dark Djedi (Usu)

Devil May Cry 5: How Vergil Finds Nero And Why, The Return Of Sparda -  SegmentNext

The X-Men that's tall, when raw meets strength.

To support ur woe, but this is the tank.

And we crank to the bank, but we inherit the cash.

This the Roc-Nation, to liquidate Jay's gas.

To outlast what's cheap, and here is a small tip.

To Crip and Blueblood, the start of Noah's Flood.

And my blood is blue, but this ain't Blue's Clues.

To want to move on from what is bein' used.

And it's 2 x 2, the chicken pox, the flue.

When one chooses to fly, to disguise a written lie.

And it's "Bye, Bye, Bye," a game doesn't end in a tie.

To live in the future, the end is neigh.

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