illuminati (16)



 "Then the seven angels holding the seven trumpets prepared to sound them. The first trumpeted, and there was hail and fire mixed with blood, and they were thrown upon the earth. A third of the earth burned up, a third of the trees burned up, and all
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Mark My Words

“My God, My God, why have You abandoned Me?"


Her lulabye smells sweet, but it burns, now it's his turn.

You once was, and you were, this is his curse.

is it right to hurt? Are you Fort Worth?

And s

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the NWO

The Green Eggs and Ham, the descendent of Sam-I-Am.

To compute like ram, are we still havin April Showers?

To bloom like a flower with the foot on the gas.

And it's ashes to ashes, your (g)od came in last.

But to blast from the past, here is ur present.


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On the low, low, back up flow, this the Show.

Got to go, go, yo, to walk, you's a dog.

To call when called, to fall, you's a clown.

And this ain't lost and found, and now it's my town.

Now time to bring the heat and bless the spiritual serm.

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