The Black Dragons put me up to this, since this flow is the Lin Kuei, so I can finally dap up the Triads.
Matthew 6:24
King James Version
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
I always come back to this verse, because polytheism seems to be rapent in today's day, and we're still confused on the Star Fire. The Archangel Michael would like you to think that the ecstacy feeling in your root has everything to do with Christ, but we all know better. The Archangel Samael was the one to awaken Adam and Eve's Kundalini Serpent Energy.
Even as I write this, and reach for the Stars, I feel the Grey Hive-Mind fight me to conceal the truth, the truth in all things. Heaven and Earth is Back to the Future, and the Chosen are avoiding cataclysmic events, and we were Heaven Sent. The typical Fallen Angel.
I swear, most mass shooters are suicidal, and they think they're proving a point. Will God be mocked? That's when Barbatos collects the sol of someone who did a mass shooting, and then took his life afterwards to avoid incarceration. In mine and your dimension, he died getting away with the terrorist act. But that same shooter wakes up in another dimension with his wrist cuffed to the bed, getting his head stiched up from the bullent wound, while staring at a cop. He'll die of old age in prison, so I guess God won't be mocked.
Life is never easy, but it got easier for me when I quit binge drinking. I've been to AA, but the nail in the coffin is when I crossed my mom's German dad over to the other side, pun intended. If only Western Schools taught occult metaphysics to learn to color inside the lines of life. It's okay to be a good person. And now we can address sin for salvation.
"Soft as a dove, and wise as a snake..." There, we addressed it. Now that's funny. In other words, Heaven and Hell are a state of mind.
"And I commend joy, for man has nothing better under the sun but to eat and drink and be joyful, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of his life that God has given him under the sun".

And I'm the one that enjoys cooking. It actually relaxes me. Anyways, after coming to this conclusion, I feel the blockage again...
"7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels," (Revelation 12:7).
"But the Archangel Michael has a spine too! What's his deal?" The deal of the century, to inherit Noah's Flood, and COVID-19. This isn't Mike Pence, and now Trump is back in office. A little birdie told me that Trump is going to prosecute the Archangel Michael. Like I said, "It's okay to be a good person."
Here's another blockage of the spirit. Stay strong with the American Spirits. And the Natives scream from the grave. To go Commando or the Redskin? The Phoenician travels up the east coast from Florida, and inherits the Tribe of Dan. And as a Levitical Priest, I sacrifice in his "name."

Now there's a food for thought...
Revelation 13:16-17: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name".
I love being a Warlock. An Ex-Christian who inherits the Beast. And yes, the lame do walk. And this isn't Jesus Peace. Now on to the fun stuff, the Stars and Constellations.
And that's all folks!
You gotta stay ahead of the AI Antics. People are still confused on how to use Google.
Stay with me, we're almost at the finish line...

This is known as a Illuminati Li Channeling. It comes in every direction. I hope you got something out of this!
- Heth Lee (李).
I always come back to this verse, because polytheism seems to be rapent in today's day, and we're still confused on the Star Fire. The Archangel Michael would like you to think that the ecstacy feeling in your root has everything to do with Christ, but we all know better. The Archangel Samael was the one to awaken Adam and Eve's Kundalini Serpent Energy.
Even as I write this, and reach for the Stars, I feel the Grey Hive-Mind fight me to conceal the truth, the truth in all things. Heaven and Earth is Back to the Future, and the Chosen are avoiding cataclysmic events, and we were Heaven Sent. The typical Fallen Angel.
I swear, most mass shooters are suicidal, and they think they're proving a point. Will God be mocked? That's when Barbatos collects the sol of someone who did a mass shooting, and then took his life afterwards to avoid incarceration. In mine and your dimension, he died getting away with the terrorist act. But that same shooter wakes up in another dimension with his wrist cuffed to the bed, getting his head stiched up from the bullent wound, while staring at a cop. He'll die of old age in prison, so I guess God won't be mocked.
Life is never easy, but it got easier for me when I quit binge drinking. I've been to AA, but the nail in the coffin is when I crossed my mom's German dad over to the other side, pun intended. If only Western Schools taught occult metaphysics to learn to color inside the lines of life. It's okay to be a good person. And now we can address sin for salvation.
"Soft as a dove, and wise as a snake..." There, we addressed it. Now that's funny. In other words, Heaven and Hell are a state of mind.
Ecclesiastes 8:15
"And I commend joy, for man has nothing better under the sun but to eat and drink and be joyful, for this will go with him in his toil through the days of his life that God has given him under the sun".
And I'm the one that enjoys cooking. It actually relaxes me. Anyways, after coming to this conclusion, I feel the blockage again...
"7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels," (Revelation 12:7).
"But the Archangel Michael has a spine too! What's his deal?" The deal of the century, to inherit Noah's Flood, and COVID-19. This isn't Mike Pence, and now Trump is back in office. A little birdie told me that Trump is going to prosecute the Archangel Michael. Like I said, "It's okay to be a good person."
Here's another blockage of the spirit. Stay strong with the American Spirits. And the Natives scream from the grave. To go Commando or the Redskin? The Phoenician travels up the east coast from Florida, and inherits the Tribe of Dan. And as a Levitical Priest, I sacrifice in his "name."

Now there's a food for thought...
Revelation 13:16-17: "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name".
I love being a Warlock. An Ex-Christian who inherits the Beast. And yes, the lame do walk. And this isn't Jesus Peace. Now on to the fun stuff, the Stars and Constellations.

And that's all folks!
You gotta stay ahead of the AI Antics. People are still confused on how to use Google.
Stay with me, we're almost at the finish line...

This is known as a Illuminati Li Channeling. It comes in every direction. I hope you got something out of this!
- Heth Lee (李).