(Revelation 17:6)
"6 And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the kedoshim and with the blood of the witnesses of Yeshua. When I saw her, I was totally astounded."
The Papa Doc, to pop, lock, and drop.
To drop a cop? When havin' to stoop.
To gemme da loot, you think ur bein' cute?
And Kingdom Come, He then chooses to refute.
The harmonic flute, when the skies are blue.
When you forgot to use ur "faith" as a tool.
And Ye' bitch be the tool, and she thinks she's me.
That's when the D.C. Twin drops, she's then on bended knee.
And to agree to swap? To swap jersey's, ur not hot.
You be doin the blow up doll, you then get caught.
But is the "sun" really hot? He chooses to rot.
And then he pressed the snooze, that's when you snooze, then lose.
And the fool hands you then gun, you then contemplate.
When free will meets fate, so it's the suicide decision.
When hell fires are beneath you, get the fuck out the kitchen.
So now Ye' need to listen, now stfu.
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