the Unholy Six

I'm rewriting this blog because "new" things came up. And this all happened because of my twinflame. She seems to be at peace with her father being deceased, and she wants to inherit what both the Summer Triangle, and Orion Constellation have to offer...

Summer Triangle Stars | Summer Triangle Constellation | Altair Deneb Vega |  Triangle Asterism | Star Walk

So where do we go on from here? I guess you can say "love and light," but how does that process? Everyone says they have one life to live, but does anyone remember the stone age? And that's the trick...

You can call me Valkorion, and this is the Rule of Two with my Imperial Operative. This is Sith Alchemy at its finest. These Star Systems seem to be playing with the lives of those living on Earth, and that's where we start with the Orion Wars. Supposedly, the Earth was fasioned to accomodate what happened in Orion when Lucifer fell. He rebelled against the Orion Empire, and sided with the Sirians at the time. To Asshur you, this is how incarnations start.

The Winter Triangle: An Asterism to End the Year | by Yu Wei | Medium

"the Rigveda and Avesta agreed that the essence of their shared parental Indo-Iranian identity was linguistic and ritual, not racial. If a person sacrificed to the right gods in the right way using the correct forms of the traditional hymns and poems, that person was an Aryan," -

And with blood sorcery, I Asshur you I sacrifice to the Archangel Samael, who is the Chief of Satans in the 5th Heaven. The Summer Triangle is the 7th Heaven who is ruled by Lucifer-Sa'el.

Give me a minute why I connect with my Kingu Dragon Guardian. I guess the last blog "revealed" too much, so I gotta steer you in the "right" direction. And once again, I hear "love and light." But this ain't the Ashtar Command, this the Unholy Six, which is a federations in the Sirius and Orion Constellations, where their big brothers in the Summer Triangle run things. A rapper said that the Solar Eclipse on April 8th of 2024 opened up a "wormhole." I like to think that I concur, and that's where you "were."

Now it's Land Before Time before the Adam and Eve debacle. I like to think I'm at rest where Saturn (Satan) decided to create Adam and Eve. And now my twinflame is shy. She's my "riblet!" Don't worry, she's sticking with it.

It's a catch 22 with the Book of Revelations, because when you get caught up in the Rapture, you have a choice to witness the "crucifixion," or move on and inherit Heaven on Earth. The Earth has to become a part of the Galactic Community. In other words, it's Demon Slayer and Star Wars. This is Back to the Future.

The Twinflame be doin' "Kill Bill," so be careful, she's filled with butterfly knives doin the MK ULTRA! So we'll move on.

So now it's Jupiter Ascending, and we're contracting the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). And the Illuminati Rothschild Bloodline wants a piece of the Pi. This is the Round Table where the "demigods" sit. I have to bridge the gap with Bruce Lee, and Roc Nation. We call ourselves the "Rhythm Nation." But this is what we're up against in the "signs and times" of Babylon.

"And the sound of harpists, musicians, flute players, and trumpeters will never be heard in you again; and no craftsman of any craft will ever be found in you again; and the sound of a mill will never be heard in you again;" 

(Revelation 18:22).

It's so Sirius with Yeezy, but we don't bow down to Christ. This is the Unholy Six. And that's when the Rockefellers and Rothschilds settled. It was because of the Rothschilds that the Rockefellers Legacy became prominent. And then you got the Asiatic Black Dragons to do the "All Falls Down," working from the Top Down. Have you ever heard of a "Arab Nazi?" These are the Omicron Draconians from the Lyra Constellations. The original "Warlocks" come from here, as your fellow Freemason is the "Judge" of mankind. And Draconian Law is in my blood. And now you know why Noah's Flood.

I don't have to pretend to be proud anymore, because I am proud. I can relate to what Lucifer felt with God. And thas when my "initiation" with the 7th Heaven is complete. Now we ARE contracting Stars. I'm the kinda scout that knocks on your front door, because I like to be on the ground like a Dread Wulf. This is the new Dragon Age

I can't believe it, but now I understand that this blog is really "politcally correct." I literally have no free will when writing this. And now the Dragon lurks. And surprisingly, I'm at peace.

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