Born Again


And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works."

 (Revelation 20:12).

This the CNN, the documentary on Sin, on the West Coast, it begins at 10.

And it's 7-11, the Seventh Heaven, to always drink the Dragon's Blood.

And Ye still fuckin' up with the 6, now take a hit, just like before Noah's Flood.

But I'm still not fuckin' with you, or ur crew, everyone knows codependecy isn't love.

So when push comes to shove, to mean mug, and to slowly dig ur grave.

It isn't enough to pray, or yell "mayday!" Or to resort to burnin' sage.

And the fire that burns, this the 2nd death, time to make the beat with the yellow chef.

But we sure like Steph, with the Crown and the Jewels, and we don't use what is always "used."

To get a clue, to meet in the mid? Did you forget on how to live?

So now it's Syd? Or the Ted? This ain't Ted Danson, this ain't the FEDs.

And we still made it to the "Good Place," to look to chase, that's why she's in a state of grace.

Now turn up the bass, we already won the race, thas why we show off in front of ur face.

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