WitchTok: How witchcraft became the latest controversial wellness fad

From ‘spiritual mentors’ charging £1,500 for a tarot reading to gurus who claim to dabble in the occult, witches have gone mainstream in the Goop-sphere. But real witches are claiming it makes a mockery of their beliefs, writes Olivia Petter

Saturday 27 July 2024 06:00 BST
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  • I really think this rather flippant, superficial and casual attitude towards witchcraft has really done a huge disservice to ti.

    It reminds me of years ago when I was on pagan sites, far, FAR too many people were there and donning the witchcraft emblem because it was either cool or because supposedly a family member was a witch so they mistakenly think they are one just by ancestry and/or, like was mentioned earlier, thinking that just because one read a tarot card/books or made an altar that it makes them a witch.

    It no more makes them a witch than reading a book on surgery makes me a surgeon.

    What i would like to see is people actually taking the time to learn, to read and delve into the craft and adopt, adapt and adust things to their needs and nature. Far too many I have encountered online feel that following a book to teh letter without going out eventually on their own to customize their spells makes them a seasoned witch, it can takes years to become seasoned and if one refuses to put in the effort then nothing will happen. Equivalent Exchange, if you will. You cannot gain without giving something in return. It doesn't have to be big but it does need to be genuine and sincere.

    Magic can help and assist but it cannot, on its own, fix a problem especially if it can be fixed without it. In fact using magic to compel someone to act against their nature or force someone -any being really- to do something they don't want to do or to do something illegal is a sin in and of itself.

    In regards to tarot card readings, one thing I have learned is that ones own mindset can either be a foundation or a roadblock; many years ago my dad and I were in this metaphysical shop and there was this woman in the shop giving tarot readings. The problem was that she was biased against men and she knew it too which made me wonder if she understood that her mindset, if not controlled, will most undoubtedly taint the readings she rends. I mean, yeah..it is sad that she had a bad experience with her ex and it hurts but despite that she needs to keep those things out of the readings.

    That brings me to another issue is so many people do not want to examine their own mindsets, especially biased attitudes and this can have rather disastrous results with a reading, spells or rituals. To keep those thoughts from interferring with your works takes time, effort and a sincere wish to try and put them behind you.

    Sorry..I am rambling and I do not mean to.

    I have talked to people online who were asked how their craft has changed them or their thinking and more than one had replied that they did not see why it should change or affect their thinking, attitude, philosophy or overall way of doing anything. What they did was admit, unknowingly, that they viewed their craft as nothing more than a game, a role-playing adventure where they go though all the motions, say all the scripted words, light the prescribed candles, etc then when they are done they go back to doing what they have always done before the craft.

    If they were predjuduced before then they still are regardless what their path teaches, if they are cruel to animals then they will still be so regardless of what their craft teaches. In short, a belief system should be there to help you relate to life in a different, more compassionate manner, help one to see that no matter who we are or where we are, we are all a component of nature and regardless of position, when the great 'game' of life has come to an end, you will all go back into teh same box.

    Ok..enough noise out of me, gonna make a cup of coffee or something.


    • Well said, it took me years to get to where I am today. Offline I don't go around calling myself a High Priestess but I can't run away from it either because every reader pulls up on it. I just rather be humble and grounded since there is just too much negative stigma that has now resurfaced again which is quite sad really. I don't know what else to say about it but I hope the karmic retribution doesn't bite them too hard on the backside, I don't think they realise what they are doing and what kind of responbilities they are taking on nor the spirits they are up against and especially the dark. I don't like how these people are using the craft to make money off other people's insecurities and problems that most likely need real help and many would be extreme cases and why they reach out to mediums as this even though it's wrong. When I was younger I opened my eyes up really quickly to this world and hence why I decided to become a witch and never would think I would reach or be seen as a High Priestess, never my intention really. I understand why people go these new age guru's because they don't like it when you tell them how it is and that their life won't miracously get fixed over night. Pisces is the worst sign in the zodiac for this because they are such dreamers and love to live in their own fantasies - so they would be the first to be sucked in a money grab. 


      I hope you enjoyed your coffee..  

  • I just don't know how the craft, including the tarot has turned into almost like church. Fixing this and fixing that spiritually. It's nice to be fixed but it's just about turned itself into nothing "but" spirituality. It feels like church and driving me crazy.

    • I know exactly what you mean, it's worse when they try to play God. I noticed that a lot of the readers on YouTube parrot themselves, some will come out and say they don't care - so meaning you must take what they say as Gospel and if it doesn't "resonate" then it's your tough luck. Wow is all I can say to that. I have had to start listening to the German readers on YouTube because they seem to be a bit more realistic even if it's just a general reading. I have noticed that now all this has started and going on that no one reaches out for readings anymore. I say that because I use to read for people and never charge - I actually care and I enjoyed doing it. I love to help people.

    • :)))

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