Spring is slowly coming upon us. The snow is melting and small spring flowers are breaking through the earth after a deep slumber. It is important for every being to be rejuvenated and energized, and spring has this effect. This is also spring cleaning in your surrounding areas is important.
I have a spring cleaning every year. Too me this represents a new start and a new beginning. Things I don't need anymore gets reused or given to others who can enjoy them, since they no longer give me the feeling of rejuvenation.
So how can you spring clean yourself? Here are 6 tips to help start your spring cleaning now:
1. Start small. Go through your computer. Delete old Documents/Pictures/ Music etc you don't need to save space for new things you may want to save in the future.
2. Social Media. Are you on many sites at the same time, but rarely visit some of them? Get rid of your accounts on the ones you rarely use. This way you can spend your time and energy on the sites you want to hang on. Go through your friendslist on Facebook etc and delete people you never talk to, people who seem to only be stalking you and people who share stuff you maybe don't like.
3. Go through your clothes. A nice tip Oprah came with a few years ago on her show was that everytime you use a clothing material, you put in the closet the opposite way (the hanger). After a year, if the hanger hasn't been turned it means you haven't worn that clothing and you should get rid of it. I try to do this with clothes I rarely use. They just take up space for new clothes I would use.
4. Go through rooms by rooms. Are there stuff in the rooms you don't need or fancy anymore? Give it to someone else or toss it. This gives more energy to the remaining things that you value. This can include books, CD's , DvD's etc.
5. Clean the Outside. Having a nice place outside, wether it's the flowerbed, herb garden or just the outdoor space around your house will feel so much better if there are no form of dead leaves, garbage etc on it. It also makes you feel that spring has really arrived. Putting out the summer furniture (for outside use) will also give you the whole spring/summer energy.
6. Spring Clean Yourself. Find a sacred place, wether outside or in your house. Light candles and incence. Look at the flame of the candle and invision the smoke from the incense go around you, cleansing you of the winter that has been taken its toll. Feel that the energy of spring is coming into you, making you feel more energized and ready for summer.
Oh and PS!: Don't forget to clean walls, windows and the house in general. You can use a Spring Smudge Spray or essential oils to help boost the spring energy in your house!
And what about material things?
I have the last years figured out that material things don't mean as much as they used to do. When you are a child and a young adult you want everything you see and you have to have it. You are actually a little greedy. This means that over the years, you may have gathered up a lot of stuff that really even doesn't matter, but are just a lot of clutter making your home feel like a big energy draining place.
To me most material things doesn't matter anymore. It is the memories I make with my animals, family and friends that does. The little things in my life mean more to me and I think this is the reason I have been able to part with a lot of stuff during my spring cleaning the last few years.
Instead of buying stuff, see if you can make it yourself. If you have kids, wether your own or your siblings kids, make something with them. The memories and work put into it is so much better than getting something finished from the store. You can even alter it if you make it yourself to a way you want it. And just think of it; when the years go by, you can look back at the homemade stuff and remember how much fun it was to make it with Family. You won't be able to do so with stuff that is bought.
When you stop caring about material things, you also save money, because when you try to make the best out of moments instead of gathering things, you keep your money, which in a way makes the noney grow so you can use it on stuff that actually matters.
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