I want to share some of my personal traditions I do for Mabon , Samhain and Yule. During Mabon I buy for Mabon Harvest decorations at the Dollar tree 🌲. I do a Ritual and then we feast since it's a sabbat. We go to the Empire Buffet it's all you can eat. On Samhain I always face my Altar west I instead of East .Since it's the land of the setting Sun. Some Traditions say the west face towards the land of the dead. I do a Ritual. I place a candle in the window facing the west. Welcoming the spirits of the dead , My Ancestors and the Fae. We also do the dumb super on the day of the dead . Which is November 1. We also burn another Candle in the window. We use a day of the dead candle . You can goes those at family dol larvor dollar tree.On Yuletide, I face my Altar to the west for the same reason I do at Samhain. Also at Yule we exchange one gift each. We still have family that does Christmas we open the rest then with them. I do a ritual on the winter ❄️ Solstice. On the night of the winter solstice we step outside with chalices filled with Apple cider. We blesss it during Ritual .Take a sip and pour rest on the ground. Feel free to share your own
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