Dark Greetings, Dark Blessings my brothers and sisters,


By the Powers that Be that are WithIn Me!  By Lilith! By Hekate!  By Santa Muerte!  I am filled with Great Gratitude for the blessings that they have bestowed upon me.  In my times of deep concern of survival I have spoken my words of power to them and sacrified (not animals or people etc) to them and have had no doubt in them and they have answered me with all my needs being met.  I speak my words with full confidence that they and the Powers that Be that are WitihIn Me - as I am a God/Goddess so my words are words of Power and do co-create with the Goddesses I love and adore, and I speak with confidence that my needs will and are being met.  


Hail Lilith! Hail Lilith! Hail Lilith!  Hail Hekate! Hail Hekate! Hail Hekate! Hail Santa Muerte!  Hail Santa Muerte!  Hail Santa Muerte!


Lilith I am Grateful for all you have done, are doing and will do for me and my life.

Hekate I am Grateful for all you have done, are doing and will do for me and my life.

Santa Muerte I am Grateful for all your 7 layers of colors and all you have done, are doing and will do for me and my life.


And so it is, it is done So Mote it Be!

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