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  • I don't know.


    Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass - Solo Ritual by Lilith Vala Xara
    This is a private performance of all roles of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass recorded and performed in a full by Lilith Vala Xara.
  • Exactly what do you mean by "Gnostic Mass"?

    • Before the Mass starts you will get an introductory talk by the Deacon where they will explain what the Mass is, what happens and how the congregation will take part. They will show you the steps and signs you will make, explain how you will partake at the communion and they will give you a Missal which contains the text for the parts where the congregation will read together with the officers.

      Then the Deacon will lead you into the temple. If it is your first Mass or you don't have much experience it is advised that you take seat in the North, to the left if you face the altar, because then you have the chance to watch more experienced members of the congregation while they take communion later.

      The Deacon will proclaim the Law of Thelema and lead the congregation in reciting the Creed of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica. Then the Priestess will enter, awaken the Priest and purify, consecrate and crown him. Then the Priest will lead the Priestess to the altar, purifying and consecrating her too. Then both will invoke Nuit and Hadit. After some more Magick the Deacon will read the Eleven Collects. Then the Priest will consecrate the Elements. Afterwards the Priest, the Deacon and the Congregation will sing (or recite) the Anthem. Then the Priestess and the Priest will unite the Elements in ecstasy and the Priest will take communion. Afterwards each member of the congregation will also take communion, one after another. The Priest blesses the congregation and that's it.

      That's it, depending the size of the congregation the ritual takes one to one and a half hours. Afterwards there usually is time for chats with the attending members and the Mass team, sometimes even a small buffet or some food and drinks.

      There are videos out there, you can also read the full text of Liber XV, which is the Canon of the Mass of the Gnostic-Catholic Church, on the internet. I'd suggest that, if any question you might have is answered, you attend your first Mass without spoiling yourself, so you can experience the ritual live and in full. It's wonderful, and I'll never forget my first Mass.

    • Thank you for explaining which Gnostic ritual this is, there are many so I had to clarify. 

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