Getting back into reading for others again!

So my guides, spirits etc keep sending me message's to offer my help to others again, now before I continue I just want to say I spent the last few years healing myself because no one cared about me. I had to do everything literally alone even when I could barely move - yes you read that right; it's sad I know. Years back when I was a young adult I met a Native American lady online by the screen name Saponi Goddess and she warned me of asking for money or helping others for payment, I am not suppose to in this lifetime. I am not sure what I am asking really maybe just some advice if I should start of small or what; I am worried because I don't want others to affect me to the point I am always having to heal myself since I am still just coming out of my own healing journey. I don't wish to become a YouTube Tarot Reader and from what I am seeing it's getting worse on there and their not just attacking readers with scammers but now stealing their video's and image's from them and using them on other channels - I just don't like the vibe it's really icky to me. They have gone as far now to use from a very trust and respectable healer who is also a trained nurse - whoever is doing this just does not care at all. 


Then I was thinking I don't mind just starting off slowly and helping anyone here who needs my help. I think I should stay away from mainstream media who don't take this path seriously; if you all wish for collective readings or personal quick ones through personal messages on this site add me and reach out to me, I don't charge for readings and I won't make something up just to tickle your ears and I am a sharp shooter and I don't give trigger warnings nor do I believe in the new terminology used by readers today unless I feel it's right. 


Please let me know what you think!



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  • You know, if your still healing, be careful. Maybe a monthly reading for the site here for the everyone and see how you like it and if people respond to it well? The ning sites have been ignored, their all going to facebook which is just a shame. I love the ning sites. They are quiet, like being in a gigantic hall of a library but we get to talk. Facebook makes me feel like I'm in a rush but not on the sites here. There used to be so many people on the sites it could make your head spin. And a lot of crazy people. People have calmed down and we've (I'm proud to say that I was one of them) that ran off the "insane, cruel and bullies". I don't hold back when it comes to that. But you know your health comes first. So what about a monthly reading for the whole site? When a person doesn't feel well physically, being pressured and feeling obligated makes the pain worse.

    • Your right and I agree with you totally, so I will think it through. I have been through the worst of it now - I went through a major spiritual warfare that I feel it was done specially to harm my health. My mum was affected too but with my mother because she is an Aquarius (she calls herself a White Witch) they knew to attack her mind and she could not do her usual coffee taseography readings, she was always telling me she felt confused when I was speaking to her. Anyway I had so step in and fight it - it was really hard but I did it. So now my mum has amped up her magick and she is doing better that she is able to do it alone - yes it was that bad. So yeah I will take it easy and do what I can, maybe I will just start off with something small I shall see. Thank you Helela.

    • :)) And at least you both got through the attacks and are back to normal. I bet the ones that did this to you two are paying a heavy price for what they put out there against you two.

    • Of course they are, but I was the one to do it. I told my mum to stay in her light, plus my readings were guiding her to do so wink

    • I agree with you.

  • I've been a reader for 30 years, and I agree with Kat, follow your instincts. Don't let someone tell you that you shouldn't charge money or give you any other opinions that are none of their business. Do what's right for you.

    • I have had the gift as a child, I am not one to just give out readings. I am getting sign's to share my gifts. Yeah I have someone around me here telling me to charge also even if I don't want to charge too high, they feel I should still charge because they know my level and feel I should not be doing it for free. I have a lot to think about. Thank you Dr Cindy.

    •  I agree Cindy.

  • Owner

    This is a good place to try a few things out because we are so small and quiet but I think ultimately it's a wonderful idea and I do hope it works out on your favor - just go slow and always listen to you intuition - as you know already :)  :)

    • Everyone here has given me great advice, I personally feel I should take it easy. My cat gives me signs to not worry and to go slow, I think I should listen to her. I could maybe do a monthly collective reading here - I will think about it. Thank you Sunkat.

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