Dark paganism defined

Dark paganism is a modern spiritual movement that draws inspiration from various pagan traditions, folklore, and mythology, with a focus on the darker aspects of life, nature, and the human experience. It is a path that acknowledges and honors the mysteries of death, the unknown, and the unseen, and seeks to understand and work with the darker forces of the universe.

Core Principles:

- Embracing the unknown, the mysterious, and the unseen
- Exploring the shadows, the underworld, and the realm of the dead
- Honoring the cycles of life, death, and rebirth
- Working with dark deities, spirits, and ancestors
- Practicing magic and rituals that acknowledge and harness the power of darkness
- Embracing the beauty and power of the night, the moon, and the stars
- Celebrating the seasons and the cycles of nature, with a focus on the darker times of the year

Key Themes:

- Ancestor worship and honoring the dead
- Working with dark deities and spirits (e.g., Hecate, Lilith, Anubis)
- Exploring the underworld and the realm of the dead
- Practicing shadow work and introspection
- Celebrating the cycles of life, death, and rebirth
- Embracing the power of the night and the moon
- Using magic and rituals to harness the power of darkness


- Rituals and ceremonies to honor the dead and the underworld
- Magic and spellwork to harness the power of darkness
- Meditation and trance work to connect with dark deities and spirits
- Shadow work and introspection to understand and integrate the darker aspects of the self
- Divination and scrying to gain insight into the unknown
- Ancestor worship and honoring the dead through offerings and rituals


- Ancient pagan traditions and mythology
- Folklore and fairy tales
- Occultism and esotericism
- Modern witchcraft and paganism
- Dark art and literature

Note: Dark paganism is not about worshiping evil or promoting harm, but rather about acknowledging and working with the darker aspects of life, nature, and the self. It's a path that requires courage, introspection, and a willingness to confront the unknown.

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