
Cassandra Eason. Spring & Autumn Equinox 2025




Welcome to the Spring Equinox on March 20 2025 at 09.01 UTC in the northern hemisphere and at precisely the same moment the Autumn or Fall Equinox in the Southern world (see www.timeanddate.com for the precise time and date in your location, although the Equinox energies can be experienced also in the days preceding and following).
For both halves of the world, it represents the point of equal day and night, a time of balance, the moment the world draws its cosmic breath - and maybe for the first time in ages as we cease frantic activity and striving, we realise what and whom we most want we already have.
The return of Equinox balance halts albeit momentarily the extremes that unbalance the world; poverty and wealth, hunger and excess, war and aggression destroying peace and increasing climatic extremes of fire, wind, drought and flood.
For the Equinox embraces both spring with its promise of new beginnings and autumn offering appreciation of what did grow and acceptance of what did not thrive.
We should not give up on people or situations where there is still hope as we discover in this all too brief time of freedom from extremes that we and others are mortal, not angels or demons and that we can manifest within ourselves inner balance and harmony even as the world turns, so retaining an enduring inner Equinox.
Wherever you live in the world on this Equinox, you might like to try this renewal of the home ritual to imprint harmony, new beginnings and reconciliation even as the world rises or falls with the seasons.
You will need:
A bowl of lavender, lilac or rose water or a floral fragrance diluted in a little water.
Any morning around the Spring Equinox in the Northern hemisphere or the Autumn Equinox in the Southern hemisphere.
The Ritual:
• Anoint each external doorknob, handle and outer window ledge, with a few drops of fragrance, starting from outside the front door saying for each, Blessings on all, May sickness, misfortune and sorrow call here no more, except to harmony do I bar each window and door.
• Go indoors, again anointing door handles starting inside the front door and window catches and ledges in every room, repeating the words.
• Pour any fragrance that is left down a bathroom/wash basin plughole, saying, Now, only goodness and good fortune dwell herein. Blessings be henceforth within.
Happy, Equinox and may by the time the next Equinox dawns six months from now, reason and balance prevail in your life and the world.
#cassandraeason #fullmoon #eclipse #fullbloodmoon #fullmooninvirgo #equinox #springequinox #autumnequinox

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