
This spell is from the book:
"Dancing the Goddess Incarnate", 
co-written by Dorothy Morrison and Kristen Madden

Otherwise known as the...
She-Who-Doesn't-Give-A-Hoot Ritual
You will need:
purple, red, orange, yellow candle
2 tsp each of dried thyme, lavender, cinnamon
1 small piece of black onyx/black tourmaline, blue goldstone(also known as blue sunstone)
hat or other article of clothing/jewelry/etc. (something that appeals to you, but the sassier, the better)
paper & pen
charcoal block, fireproof dish filled with sand/censer
music CD to set the mood (something with an upbeat nature)
Light the charcoal in the censer and put it in the center of your workspace.
Place the purple candle behind it, the red in front of it, the orange to its right and the yellow to its left to represent the crossroads.
Light the purple candle and say:
"Vigorous purple, I command your power, to rid me of all that's severe and dour."
Light the red candle and say:
"Red of passions burning high, bring sass and attitude on the fly."
Light the orange candle and say:
"Magnetic orange, I conjure thee, to attract playful energies now to me."
Light the yellow candle and say:
"And successful yellow, as you burn, bring the victories for which I yearn."
Place half of the herbs on the charcoal, saying:
"Thyme for courage and lavender to free, and cinnamon to successfully remove unwarranted fears from me. As I will, so mote it be!"
Write down all your fears. It doesn't matter how silly you think they are, it is important to list everything.
When you are finished, toss the paper on the charcoal block and burn it to ash, saying:
"By fire and herb with flaming flash, there's nothing left but smoke and ash. Your life is gone and I am free,of all you did to bother me."
Add the rest of the herbs to the charcoal then smudge the hat in the smoke while saying: "Attitude come now to stay, within this hat where you can play, and be my classy, brassy friend. Your courage, too, I ask you lend So I can tell the stern and dour who frown on me as I'm empowered with your lovely gift of sass:
'You can all just kiss my ass!' "
Put on the hat/article and feel its power. Let it infuse every cell of your being.
Enjoy the music and dance. Be sassy. Be brassy.
Dance with complete abandon until you're out of breath and can't dance any more.
Then put the hat in front of the candles until they burn out.
When the ashes are cool, scatter them on the winds.
Wear the hat/article as often as possible - and without worry of what others will think - but especially when you feel the need for an extra shot of sass.
You can view/purchase this book here, (at Amazon.com)
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