The Forum will now be exclusively for Witches Moon staff to share articles and post discussions.
Members may still continue to share in Blogs.
The Forum will now be exclusively for Witches Moon staff to share articles and post discussions.
Members may still continue to share in Blogs.
The birds may be able to grasp a pattern-forming concept once thought to be unique to humans
November 14, 2022
Time and again, it seems, research has revealed crows performing some cognitive task that defies our expectations. Now, a ne
Read more…No matter what the practice or teaching, ego loves to wait in ambush to appropriate spirituality for its own survival and gain.
– Chögyam Trungpa, Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism
As we progressively advance on our spiritual awakening paths, o
· Aug 18, 2022
So you’ve been devoting months, years, or perhaps even decades of your life to your spiritual practice.
But unlike physically tangible pursuits, there’s no easy way to know if you’re ‘making progress’ or not when it comes
Read more…Many people are mostly aware of meditation as a practice that can calm their minds and bring complete peace and harmony to their lives. But some are unfamiliar with the fact that they can also use meditation for manifesting their desires whenever the
· Jul 10, 2022Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.
– Joyce Carol Oates
Of al
MAY 12, 2022
Crystals can be a great way to amplify or support our energy throughout the day. We can carry or wear them, incorporate them into self-care regimens, use them in meditation or rituals, or set them out around our homes.
Read more…I googled it and got no answer. Any links or advice would be helpful.
Read more…This Libra Full Moon Energy is taking us into Eclipse Season. It’s also helping us to clear things as we also prepare for Beltane, which is May 1st.
This Pink Moon happens to also be the first Super Moon of the year. This Moon is squared with Plut
· Apr 8, 2022There is a certain mysterious, holy, and incandescent flame that burns at the center of every religion, spiritual path, and philosophy … and that is mysticism.
From Buddhism and Hinduism to Christianity, Judaism, Islam
Read more…The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is exact on April 12, but the energy is active a couple of weeks before and after. The two planets meet in Pisces, so it’s all about expanding your spiritual awareness, and it activates your Third Eye Chakra.
More Tha
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April is going to kick off with an Aries New Moon and the 4:4 Portal. We have had an active few days with the solar flares. We also have another CME headed towards us now, and expected to hit us March 28th. We got a lot happening at once. The Sun
Read more…The Spring Equinox Gateway is open through this week. It’s still at its full strength until midweek. That means we can still be taping into these energies in a powerful way. Amazing energies for manifesting and healing.
This week will continue to
Read more…We have some powerful incoming waves of plasma energies streaming in from the Sun and our Central Sun. We also have a full-halo CME heading directly towards Earth. This one hit us March 13th,and an Astroid just hit Earth. The rest of March is going
Read more…The frequencies and the energies are going to go really high this month because of the Equinox. The rest of Pisces Season is all about manifesting and tapping into the spiritual. We are instant manifesting what we are thinking about right now. It’s s
· Feb 22, 2022On the surface of your life, everything is basically fine.
Perhaps you have a stable job, are relatively successful, have a decent income, a few children and pets, a spouse, and you live in a good neighborhood.
The o
Read more…We are rising up from the ashes of a crumbling patriarchy. A dying system built upon fear, control, greed, money imbalances, and poverty. We were molded around this way of life and taught to shut down our senses. This has caused much traumas that
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For a fantastic and informative list, with a twist of humor, click the link above and enjoy!
My man gave me White Lilies on Valentines "My Love Is Pure", surrounded with Red and Lavendar Carnatio
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