The Forum will now be exclusively for Witches Moon staff to share articles and post discussions.
Members may still continue to share in Blogs.
The Forum will now be exclusively for Witches Moon staff to share articles and post discussions.
Members may still continue to share in Blogs.
The tale of Persephone begins when she was a carefree maiden basking in an eternal spring. While she was out picking flowers with her friends, Hades, the god of the Underworld, noticed her. He fell in love and decided to make her his queen. One day,
The Wolf Moon is always the first Full Moon of the year, rising each January. Its cool, silvery glow pierces through the crisp, cold skies of winter, a familiar and welcome sight
Shining its brightest in the northern hemisphere, this lunar event car
Read more…by · Updated: Sep 6, 2024
Christmas time. It’s noisy, materialistic, and socially overwhelming.
Most people plan for it, spend for it, live for it, and dread it all at the same time each year.
In our society, the Christmas ideal is to sit
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Every year when I string holiday lights all through the house, I think about what this time of year meant to our ancestors. As the days shortened, lifestyles must certainly have been affected. Nowadays, with electric lights and l
Read more…As winter approaches, the altar becomes a place of warmth and reflection, offering comfort during the long, cold nights. Shifting your altar to align with the season not only honors the natural cycle but also invites the grounding energy of winter i
Read more…As the days grow shorter and the nights lengthen, a profound shift in energy occurs. The descent into darkness often brings a sense of quiet reflection, stillness, and introspection. For many witches, this time of year offers a unique opportunity to
Ancestor veneration is an umbrella term for beliefs and practices that spiritually connect us with those who have gone before us. These beliefs and
From hosting a harvest festival and apple picking to setting up your altar for the Autumn season, here’s plenty of ideas on how to celebrate.
While in the dog days of summer, it’s important to consider the comfort of our beloved furry friends. My St. Bernard did a great job at reminding me of this fact. Wanting to give my spoiled boy anything that made him happy, I decided to try ready-mad
Read more…Litha, also known as Midsummer, is a widely-observed pagan celebration that many historians believe has been practiced for thousands of years. One of four Celtic fire festivals, Midsummer or the summer solstice is a sabbat all about celebrating the s
Beltane (also known as May Day) is one of the four main festivals, or quarters, on the Wheel of the Year and a very important one at that. Beltane was originally a Celtic celebration of the sun and the fertile land below. During this time, we revel i
Is your magical garden dripping with Wisteria? Hung low with Spanish moss? Bespeckled with tea roses?
Whether you use it for food, pleasure, or magical herbs, your garden is a sacred place where nature meets the nurture of your magical practice.
Read more…March 20, 2020
When it comes to tidying up like a witch, there’s a lot more to it than just wiggling your nose at something messy. Here, BUST’s resident occultist shares how to add a touch of magical intent to your cleaning routine.
Read more…The year ends with an interesting number sequence: 12/31/23 or 123123. According to numerology, this is significant. Find out the number’s meaning as we end 2023 with a bang!
From Samhain until Ostara, the Dark Goddess has her reign as she is commonly also associated with winter and the cold that it brings.
In the modern age, this time of year is focused on festivities, festivals, parties and events to bring cheer and
Read more…Hawthorns have a long and rich history in folklore, and they’ve historically been seen as the gateway between the human and spirit world, making them a natural fit for Samhain.
It’s believed that faeries live in hawthorn trees, and the branches shou
Read more…by Maria Ede-Weaving
The year is releasing itself, letting go with the kind of intense beauty that never fails to inspire awe in me. There was a time I used to dread this season, sensing the darkness closing in; the claustrophobia of the encroaching
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