Witchcraft attack on a friend

Witchcraft attack on a friend


I would like to reach out for some much needed help and wisdom please. I have a friend who is also a witch that is being attacked and demonised by another witch, the thing is though this other witch is hiding that they are a witch! I have confirmation through a divination reading I had; that they are poisoning my friend through witchcraft. For some reason it seems that when my friend does withcraft it's not enough to fight it off but they can't overpower me because I have power of a Priestess. I am a humble Priestess and admit I am human too - I am not sure what to do next and many things I have done has helped thus far but not stopping the poisoning my friends energy etc.. 

All thoughts, tips and advice welcome. Please help it's much needed. Thanks.

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  • I'm not a witch, but I ask for the salvation of your friends.
    You have to join forces.

  • First, smudge your home, and throw salt around.  Do a home blessing spell. Now the two of you need to shield yourself, daily, besides the crystals.  This is what I do, but I'm a bit weird, and hey it works for me.  I first see the center of the earth, red flame, bring it up through, visualize yellow flame with it, keep pulling it up to the dirt and green grasses and wood, visualize it going through your whole body, from your toes and upwards.  When you get to the top of your head and the energy comes out, send the shield down outside your body, whichever color you feel, I tend to use pink, with blue around my chest if I'm having breathing issues, white or purple works for me too.  From here you should be able to push the negative energy through your body and out to the universe, healed.  If you know for sure who sent it, return it to sender, healed.  Do you still feel like you need more protection?  Add a layer of mirror shields.   Another great way to release the negative energy is go outside and make the energy travel to your hands.  Now, with your hands outstretched on each side of your body, soon in a circle and release the energy from your hands.Now, my neighbors know I'm a witch so they know I'm a bit odd sometimes,  This is just stuff that works for me.  

    • My friend see's themselves as a witch also but choose to be a loner so is not active online. I am the only person they let in; so I shall pass this on. Thank you for your wise advice.

    • It's just experiences I've had.  I came out by accident over 12 years ago.  I was new to the internet and FB.  My cousin and I were talking back and forth, and I mentioned I was now a witch.  I went to bed and later realized 9MG EVERYONE WILL KNOW AND I'LL BE FRIENDLESS. I went online the next day, prepared for the worst....no one cared, they didn't even notice.  As time went on, they realized I had changed to being a witch, most but one or two were supportive and not judgemental. 

    • I am happy to hear that, not everyone has such a positive experience. I had mixed experiences which has shaped who I am today; and won't change for anyone. 

    • 12876017658?profile=RESIZE_930x

    • 💜

  • I am not a witch but I do believe the power of ones mind can do wonders and off set the behavior of this person who is being  hurtfull in all the wrong ways.  

    Use crystals that are powerful and meditate using them and direct  a blocking power to this person.   Full concentration is needed.   

    But only do what you feel safe with.    12873039478?profile=RESIZE_180x180

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