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  • Owner

    Morning! I just wrote a lengthy message and my phone rang and I lost the lot! That's about par for the course some days isn't it?

    How are you keeping?  Well I hope??

    I've had some health issues which I've finally (I think) got my head around. I disappear physically, and socially when I work through stuff. 

    Spring is opening up the woods and gardens here ~ beautiful to see, coz winter seemed to go on for a long while this year. It wasn't harsh..more like brooding. I'm spending most of my time in the garden. The rest , lol, the kitchen and with my daughter's dog. 


  • I come from a very diverse family and my heritage is diverse in itself too. I have at times also turned to Bulgarian Shamanism (our God is called Tangra) to help me on my path too. At the moment I am following the heritage that calls to me the most and my strongest past life connection and The Morrigan never fails me. 


    • Adore this! Good to meet you.

  • Owner


    • Funny...LOL

  • Wicca May Your Day Be Filled With Magickal Blessing GIF - Wicca May Your Day Be Filled With ...

    • Thank you


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  • Owner

    That pic was so sweet!!  I love napping with my kitties.  So much love and trust when they sleep with you 💕🐈‍⬛

    • You are lucky to have the cats, I can't have one here. And I would never put a cat around our Pits...I will have a cat when we move.

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Yesache left a comment for Yesache
"Thank you
Mar 17
Yesache left a comment for Yesache
"Adore this! Good to meet you."
Mar 17
Yesache left a comment for Yesache
Mar 17
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"I sooo would love to live in a place like that!"
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"Lovely! I wish our roses would hurry up and come in bloom!"
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"I have ravens all around my house everyday, I feed my birds, and all of them are very Magickal!"
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"Yes, this is our story only."
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"So very true!"
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"YES, definitely you do! "
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"Yes, it surely does...Blessed Be"
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"Thank you!"
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"No problem, I love sharing!
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
"Yes, I was outside for a long time. It was awesome! I'm sorry you had clouds. "
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment for Yesache
"I adore this!"
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment for Yesache
"You are lucky to have the cats, I can't have one here. And I would never put a cat around our Pits...I will have a cat when we move."
Mar 14
Yesache left a comment for SunKat
Mar 14