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My Friends (77)
"Lovely! I wish our roses would hurry up and come in bloom!"
"I have ravens all around my house everyday, I feed my birds, and all of them are very Magickal!"
"Yes, I was outside for a long time. It was awesome! I'm sorry you had clouds. "
Morning! I just wrote a lengthy message and my phone rang and I lost the lot! That's about par for the course some days isn't it?
How are you keeping? Well I hope??
I've had some health issues which I've finally (I think) got my head around. I disappear physically, and socially when I work through stuff.
Spring is opening up the woods and gardens here ~ beautiful to see, coz winter seemed to go on for a long while this year. It wasn't harsh..more like brooding. I'm spending most of my time in the garden. The rest , lol, the kitchen and with my daughter's dog.
I come from a very diverse family and my heritage is diverse in itself too. I have at times also turned to Bulgarian Shamanism (our God is called Tangra) to help me on my path too. At the moment I am following the heritage that calls to me the most and my strongest past life connection and The Morrigan never fails me.
Adore this! Good to meet you.
Thank you
That pic was so sweet!! I love napping with my kitties. So much love and trust when they sleep with you 💕🐈⬛
You are lucky to have the cats, I can't have one here. And I would never put a cat around our Pits...I will have a cat when we move.