The Forum will now be exclusively for Witches Moon staff to share articles and post discussions.
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The Forum will now be exclusively for Witches Moon staff to share articles and post discussions.
Members may still continue to share in Blogs.
Is your magical garden dripping with Wisteria? Hung low with Spanish moss? Bespeckled with tea roses?
Whether you use it for food, pleasure, or magical herbs, your garden is a sacred place where nature meets the nurture of your magical practice.
It’s no wonder nearly every ancient culture in the world had at least one deity sacred to gardening. Here are a few to remember, to love, and to get to know better.
Dwelling among the plum blossoms and mimosa flowers of ancient Rome, we find the fertility goddess, Flora.
Called upon for her service in matters of abundance, Flora’s sacred name is the origin of the English word, flower.
*fertile soil
*flower gardens
*hares and rabbits
From Celtic folklore to French art, the fae (or fairies) adorn European culture and myth so far back into antiquity that no one is really sure where they came from.
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