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  • Have a great night and weekend, dear friend.


  • 8677087653?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • 8314497053?profile=RESIZE_584x

  • Aahhhhh mon ami  happy to hear from you after such a long time,  very long time. ..but I understand. ..difficult times for all of us, am not on site myself that much mind you. ..

    Anyways,  hope you doing well dear. ..take good care and stay healthy and safe. ..

    No rain until now at my end of the woods. ..waiting desperate for Rain !!!what can I say. ...hugz coming your way from across the many miles 😍



  • Thank you for being my friend!


  • 8039619253?profile=RESIZE_584x

  • 8024780498?profile=RESIZE_930xIt will, I know it will be fine. It will :)) As soon as these planetary alignments position themselves better we will be fine. lol.

  • It is great to be your friend, too..Many Blessings!



  • 8019191464?profile=RESIZE_584xHi Sweetie! It's been a long time since I've heard from you. I agree. This has been a horrible time with planetary influences and what the people are doing with them. The bad thing about it is that most of the planets were in retrograde when it started so we are paying the price for what is not really even viable. It's rogue and misdirected. We should not be suffering this. On a good note, I and my family are well. We aren't in the old days where we don't have food and a nice place to live like the old days lol.

  • I wrote a prayer for the Goddess Morrigù this year and i translated it in English.


    Prière de Morrigù:

    "-Je suis l'insoumise et la trois fois nommée…
    Je suis celle qui marche avec la mort et qui fuit le soleil
    Je suis celle qui vole avec la haute corneille et qui hurle dans les vents glacés
    Je suis la vaillante, je suis la guerrière et l'indomptée.
    Tour à tour Madb, Nemaín ou Macha,
    Je suis la Morrígù qui plonge au combat.
    Je suis la grande reine du fond de la terre dans le Broch-Uatha
    Sous la ronde lune pleine, je hurle et je ris avec les loups et les corbeaux gris.
    Sur le champ de bataille j'accompagne vos cris et vos peines.
    Qui de vous sera digne de moi ?
    Croassez mon nom chantez le au combat.
    Reine de la nuit, épouse du Dagda,
    Reine Fantôme, je serai votre émoi.
    Tour à tour Badb, Nemaín ou Macha,
    Je suis la Morrigù, Morrighan, Morrighoù, le Feu et la lumière de votre sagesse.
    J’apporte les plumes du noir corbeau et les charmes de l’ancienne foi."


    Prayer of Morrigù :

    "I am the rebellious and the three times named…
    I am the one who walks with death and flees the sun
    I am the one who flies with the tall crow and howls in the icy winds
    I am the valiant, I am the warrior and the untamed.
    Alternately Madb, Nemaín or Macha,
    I am the Morrígù who plunges into combat.
    I am the great queen from the bottom of the earth in Broch-Uatha
    Under the full moon, I howl and laugh with wolves and gray crows.
    On the battlefield I accompany your cries and your sorrows.
    Who of you will be worthy of me?
    Crook my name sing it in battle.
    Queen of the night, wife of Dagda,
    Phantom Queen, I'll be your stir.
    In turn Badb, Nemaín or Macha,
    I am the Morrigù, Morrighan, Morrighoù, the Fire and the light of your wisdom.
    I bring the feathers of the black raven and the charms of the old faith

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Eikthyrnir Odinson left a comment for Yesache
"Hi, I'm glad to be friend with you. 
Have a nice day. 
Bonne journée. "
Nov 28, 2021
Eikthyrnir Odinson left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
May 8, 2021
Eikthyrnir Odinson left a comment on SAY SOMETHING!
Mar 19, 2021
Eikthyrnir Odinson left a comment for Yesache
"I'm glad to be friend with you. =) I wish you a nice day."
Oct 9, 2020
Eikthyrnir Odinson left a comment for Eikthyrnir Odinson
"I wrote a prayer for the Goddess Morrigù this year and i translated it in English.
Prière de Morrigù:
"-Je suis l'insoumise et la trois fois nommée…Je suis celle qui marche avec la mort et qui fuit le soleilJe suis celle qui vole avec la haute…"
Oct 9, 2020
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Oct 9, 2020
Eikthyrnir Odinson left a comment for Eikthyrnir Odinson
"Bardit de la douce Brighidh; Barzhoneg Bec'hed dousik:
"-Ô Brillance dame de la lumière.Ô juste et douce beauté.La flamme des souvenirs et l'éclat de l'esprit, qui apporte la richesse, qui donne l'inspiration pour l'artisan et le poète.Dame…"
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Eikthyrnir Odinson left a comment for Sarah Jane Bishop
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Eikthyrnir Odinson and Yesache are now friends
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Eikthyrnir Odinson updated their profile
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