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Can You Dry Herbs in an Air Fryer?

Yes! Drying herbs in an air fryer can be a wonderful and easy way to preserve plants from your herb garden for future use.

Dehydrating Herbs in an Air Fryer

Fresh herbs do not have a long shelf life, so drying and dehydrating can be a wonderful way to extend their shelf life and preserve them for future use. Sure you can use a dehydrator, your oven, sunlight or even the microwave or freezer to do so. However, using your air fryer is an excellent way to prepare dried herbs! But how do you go about it? Here is a little rundown on how to go about drying and dehydrating medicinal herbs in an air fryer. 

What Herbs Could You Do This With?

Here are some of the herbs that you might want to consider drying/dehydrating in your air fryer!

Culinary herbs like:

  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Tarragon
  • Mint
  • Parsley

Medicinal herbs like:

As you can see, air-frying herbs can be great for preparing your own spice blends for your favorite recipes, tea blends, or other medicinal and culinary herb preparations.

​Air Frying Herbs

Air frying herbs is an easy best option for drying and dehydrating herbs. It is a very simple process to use your air fryer for drying and dehydrating purposes. Depending on your air fryer, you may already have a built-in dehydrator function. But for people who haven’t got that function, you can still take advantage of this simple process to air fry your herbs.

How to Dry Herbs in an Air Fryer

Let’s talk about drying herbs. 

  1. Firstly, you will need to set your air fryer temperature to 350F. Make sure that you wash the herbs that you will be using. Once you have washed them, pat them dry them with a paper towel or dish towel to remove as much excess moisture as possible, then prepare them for air drying. Remove any parts of the plants like stalks, stems, leaves, buds or skins that you do not want to preserve. 
  2. Place the herbs in a single layer in the air fryer basket or tray. Place a metal rack over the herbs to prevent them from flying about. Alternatively, you can tie the herbs with twine before placing them into the the air fryer basket.
  3. Air fry for 3-4 minutes, or until visibly dry. It really is as quick as that. Once they are done, remove them from your air fryer and place them in a large bowl or on a sheet of parchment paper to cool completely. Then store them whole or crushed in air-tight containers of your choosing.

How to Dehydrate Herbs in an Air Fryer

Let’s talk about dehydrating herbs.

  1. Dehydrating herbs is a little different than drying them. Dehydrating is all about drying herbs at a low temperature. You will need to set the temperature of your air fryer to 130F.
  2. Just as you would with drying your herbs, make sure that they are clean and dry before placing them into your air fryer. Spread them evenly before covering them with a rack (or tie them with twine).
  3. Then start your air fryer. It may take anywhere from 1-3 hours, depending on the number of herbs and density of the plant material. Check the herbs every half an hour or so, by seeing if they crumble easily in your hands. If they do, then they are ready!

Dried Herbs Storage

Once the herbs are done with the drying or dehydrating process, you can store them whole or crushed (it's entirely up to you!). It all depends on how you plan on using them. However, make sure you always use an airtight container to keep them preserved for as long as possible. I like to use glass Mason jars or secure them in a paper bag.

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  • This is great to know! Thank you!

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