FYI - 

The Forum will now be exclusively for Witches Moon staff to share articles and post discussions. 

Members may still continue to share in Blogs.


  • I am a lone wolf surrounded by people who don't understand me, I feel so great walking in nature...especially at night. I live in the night. I am always seeking more...I am a Witch, always seeking...I feel loss very much...I am a wild spirit and often draw the Hermit...I am always seeking my chosen path...And seeking other people who understand me. I have been diagnosed with depression and anxiety...I am starting therapy soon...I am such a Spritual Wanderer! 

    • Owner

      I also have depression and anxiety and it really changes your outlook on things.  All I wanted when I was younger was for people to understand me and why I did things the way I did - that was very important to me.  I hope therapy helps and maybe there is some medication that will be right for you also.

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