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On The Energies....Rising Up from The Ashes

10136815673?profile=RESIZE_400xWe are rising up from the ashes of a crumbling patriarchy.  A dying system built upon fear, control, greed, money imbalances, and poverty.  We were molded around this way of life and taught to shut down our senses.  This has caused much traumas that have kept people stuck in a loop within these systems.  Creating a heavy collective karma and deep wounds within the masculine.  This was never a true representative of the Masculine.  The illusions are all falling down.  A new state of human consciousness has arrived in the Planet.  A wave of Wayshowers.  Here to make the Planet a better place.  Humanity is awakening and remembering.  We were made in a higher design.  We are activating our DNA and shifting into higher templates that will no longer support the lower. 

The Divine Feminine has deep past life wounds that are coming up to be healed this life.  We are clearing generational trauma like never before.  People need the Feminine now more then ever.  The mother and priestess are needed.  Your needed to heal on every level.  This will help the collective to heal.  The Feminine is birthing the New Earth through her sacral.  Shifting us into a state of love, peace, and abundance.  We are all feeling the rise of the Divine Feminine.  The Goddess within.  Your intuition is being activated.  Your third eye is awakening.  The call of the feminine is activating your heart chakra and helping you to remember.  This transition may look different as we all move through it.  If things are crumbling let them.  We are only clearing power struggles.  Some of this is from the incoming ascension energies.  The energies are rising to a point where they will only support the real.  Here the call coming from within.  Tune into your heart and soul for guidance.  It knows the way back to Source.  Trust in the New and the path ahead.  Your being reconnected with your emotional body.  A cleansing is occurring within these energies.  The energies of the old are clearing.  New areas of your body are activating.  You should be feeling things on a deeper level.

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