The Forum will now be exclusively for Witches Moon staff to share articles and post discussions.
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The Forum will now be exclusively for Witches Moon staff to share articles and post discussions.
Members may still continue to share in Blogs.
Published: Oct 13, 2021 · Modified: Mar 13, 2024 by
Here is how to infuse herbs in oil for all sorts of home use. Today, I’m infusing calendula (calendula officinalis) in coconut oil. I love using my crockpot to create herbal oils when I do
Read more…Ah, banishing herbs. There’s nothing like sending an icky vibe, a difficult person, or a bad habit on its way. Used with intention, banishing herbs are meant to do just that.
So, let’s take a look at some of the most common banishing herbs and som
Read more…According to some, yarrow is under the dominion of Venus and is also a personal talisman for natives of the sign of Virgo. The ancient Celts used it for magickal purposes, while in the East, sages used its stem to interrogate the Chinese oracl
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