- 6: National Tartan Day
- 14: Celtic Tree Month of Alder ends
- 15: Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins
- 16: Birthday of author Margot Adler
- 19: Full moon–Wind Moon at 7:09 a.m. April is a month of pending rebirth, as the earth and soil prepare for new life to sprout. Watch as the natural world around you begins to change.
- 22: Earth Day
- 23: Wiccan pentacle is officially added to the list of VA-approved emblems for gravestones, 2007
- 28–May 3: Floralia, honoring the goddess of spring flowers and vegetation.
- 30: Walpurgisnacht celebrated by German witches
· Beltane or May Eve 30th April/1st May
Beltane is a Celtic word which means ‘fires of Bel’ (Bel was a Celtic deity). It is a fire festival that celebrates of the coming of summer and the fertility of the coming year. Celtic festivals often tied in with the needs of the community. In springtime, at the beginning of the farming calendar, everybody would be hoping for a fruitful year for their families and fields.
Festivities generally involved fire which was thought to cleanse, purify and increase fertility. Cattle were often passed between two fires and the properties of the flame and the smoke were seen to ensure the fertility of the herd. Fire is still the most important element of most Beltane celebrations and there are many traditions associated with it. It is seen to have purifying qualities which cleanse and revitalise. People, leap over the Beltane fire to bring good fortune, fertility (of mind, body and spirit) and happiness through the coming year. The largest Beltane celebrations in the UK are held in Edinburgh. Fires are lit at night and wild festivities carry on until dawn. But all around the UK fires are lit and private celebrations are held amongst covens and groves (groups of Pagans) to mark the start of the summer.
Beltane rituals would often include courting, for example, young men and women collecting blossoms in the woods and lighting fires in the evening. These rituals would often lead to matches and marriages, either immediately in the coming summer or autumn. Today’s Pagans believe that at Beltane the God Bel achieves the strength and maturity to court and become lover to the Goddess.
Although what happens in the fields has lost its significance for most Pagans today, the creation of fertility is still an important issue. Because of its sexual imagery, the tradition of dancing round the maypole is still very popular with modern Pagans. Others see fertility as referring to the need for active and creative lives. We need fertile minds for our work, our families and our interests.